First Baptist Church rejoices with you over your upcoming
wedding, and we are happy that you have chosen First Baptist Church as the
location of this important event in your life. One of the functions of our
church is to provide a place where a Christian marriage ceremony can be
performed. Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant
commitment for a lifetime. The following policies and procedures are
designed to aid in this function. We want you to be aware of these policies in
the hope that they will assist you in planning so that this occasion will be a
memorable and happy one for all concerned.
This material, provided by the Wedding Committee of the FBC, is for the
information of all persons considering the use of the facilities of this church
for a wedding. We ask that all couples read this material carefully, and if
there are questions, contact the church Office Manager at 706-635-5611.
Date: A request for reservation on the church calendar should be made with the Minister of Administration at the earliest possible time. Temporary reservations can be made and held up to 30 days. Permanent reservations will be made when completed forms, fees, and deposits are returned and necessary contacts made with the staff.
Nature of Ceremony: Weddings conducted in First Baptist Church are considered worship services and, therefore, are under the direction of the Senior Pastor. If another minister, other than the First Baptist Church minister is desired, a conference with the FBC Pastor concerning the nature of the ceremony is still required. You will need to establish an appointment between our Pastor and your minister. You must use an ordained male minister of the Gospel.
Shared Church Expenses: While the church is happy to be able to provide the facilities for weddings, there are expenses that must be addressed.
For active members and their children:
FREE use of the sanctuary
FREE use of the fellowship hall
FREE use of kitchen facilities
Actual labor costs of room set up and break down
Actual labor cost of post-event cleaning
Actual labor costs of Food Services Director
Actual labor costs of Music Minister and related personnel
Actual labor costs for personnel to run lighting, sound, and video
Actual labor costs for nursery personnel
$250.00 refundable deposit
For non-members:
$500.00 for the sanctuary
$500.00 for the fellowship hall or other church facilities
$500.00 for the use of kitchen facilities
Actual labor costs of room set up and break down
Actual labor cost of post-event cleaning
Actual labor costs of Food Services Director
Actual labor costs of Music Minister and related personnel
Actual labor costs for personnel to run lighting, sound, and video
Actual labor costs for nursery personnel
$500.00 refundable deposit
Upon receipt of these fees and deposits, return of the forms, and necessary
conferences with the staff, your permanent reservation will be placed on the
church calendar. Special financial needs may need to be addressed.
The fee covers the cost of vacuuming, set-up for church activities, and cost
of utilities. The deposit will be returned if the facilities are left as found:
1. Kitchen cleaned and ready for use,
2. all trash bagged and removed,
3. decorations removed from premises,
4. property such as table linens professionally cleaned and returned,
5. and no damage to property.
6. Bird seed must be used - absolutely no rice.
Anything other than normal vacuuming, resetting tables, chairs etc. that the
church staff must do will be deducted from the refundable deposit.
Music and Sound: Since all weddings are considered worship services, music should be
appropriate for worship. A conference with the Minister of Music must be
made when setting your wedding date in order to discuss all music,
musicians, and music facilities. Certain arrangements must be made with the
Minister to insure smooth operation of all music and sound considerations.
Anyone planning on using First Baptist Church musical instruments and/or
sound equipment must meet with the Minister of Music at least one month
prior to their wedding date. Failure to do so may result in their wedding date
being removed from the church calendar. A list of approved individuals will
be provided upon request for either sound or instruments.
Please work out individual agreements for the following. For both members
and non-members, the suggested honorariums for use of FBC personnel are:
Sound - $100
Pianist - $100
Soloist - $100
Officiating Minister - $175
Decorations: Care must be taken to protect all church property against damages. The following regulations must be observed and should be called to the attention of the florist:
1. No nails, tacks, staples, or tape may be used to attach decorations or equipment to the walls, woodwork, furniture, or floors.
2. The florist must use drip-proof candles and cups. The carpet must always be protected by a plastic covering under the candles.
3. Lighted candles shall be used only at the altar and not on the pews and windows.
4. Paper floral petals shall be used unless an aisle runner is used on which to throw natural petals.
5. All decorations must be removed immediately following the wedding. Any floral arrangements left after the wedding will become the property of the church and disposed of at the church’s discretion.
6. The wedding couple and the florist will be responsible for any
damages incurred in the church.
1. The only flash pictures allowed during the ceremony are the bride entering and the couple leaving. Available light (no flash) pictures may be made only from the rear of the church unless otherwise approved by the pastor.
2. It is recommended that as many photos as possible be made before the ceremony for the convenience of the couple and the wedding guests.
3. Be sure the photographer understands these policies. Any questions concerning these policies should be directed to the minister performing the ceremony.
4. If you choose to make a video of your wedding, it is your responsibility to
make the arrangements. All video equipment must be used from the back of
the church or sound room booth. All such arrangements are subject to
approval by the Minister of Music. If a professional videographer from
outside the church is used, this person must meet with the Pastor to discuss
the placement of his/her camera.
Reception: The fellowship hall may be used for the wedding reception. A request for the
facility should he made at the time the wedding is placed on the church
The church kitchen may be used for the purpose of serving and for washing
dishes. Those using the facilities are expected to leave them entirely in order
immediately following the reception. Lace & linen tablecloths are available for
loan. The Linen must be professionally dry cleaned, and the lace must be
washed and returned to the church by Thursday of the following week.
Caterers must furnish all china, silverware, etc.